A brand new Role Playing Guild on Warmane Neltharion


Fresh from our minds we start up this Guild in order to bring Role Players together in the world of Cataclysm [server: Warmane]. Based on the realm Neltharion we roam the lands of Azeroth and Outland in search of adventures.

We have all one purpose; engage in quests of courage and strength and go on dangerous and exiting adventures, but because of our varying natures and characters the guild is divided in two orders.

The Order of the Fearless Onslaught | The Order of the Hunters Moon

Upon your recruitment for this guild you will have to chose one of the orders. Your choice will reflect in your vision towards handeling certain situations. Are you true to the honour and law or does it not bother you to walk sometimes in the shade?

This Guild will Role Play selfmade stories and quests keeping close to the actual lore of Azeroth. However we will try to aim for an unique lore-bound experience, we are open for creative ideas and concepts to make our adventure grow. 


Chapter 1: The Tainted Gem of Arcane Power.

The bonds of Deathwing have been broken. Broken free from his earthly prison, he seeks for death and destruction of all. Chaos is ruling the worlds of Azeroth.

The elements of the world were distressed by the incoming approach of Deathwing's escape. Thrall, leader of the Horde, tried to deal with the situation by heading to Outland to communicate with the elements out there. But the Horde wasn't left without a leader. Thrall appointed Garrosh Hellscream as Warchief, who, in his absence, decided the Horde should conquer as mutch land as possible now the world was in chaos. A reach for power that was heeded by all.

Word goes that, in order to regain their former power and grow as a nation to be reckoned with, the mighty Blood Elves are in search of a precious gem that will bind their race together once more in power and magic. It is supposed to be a gem so powerfull that they can revert the corruption of their lost brothers and sisters to the felblood addiction and once again become an indestructible nation.

"The Tainted Gem of Arcane Power"


Our story starts in a small fishing village in The Blasted Lands; Surwich. A dark and shady place, home to the people who once thought the Tainted Scar could be healed and grown back. Even though their attempt was succesful, the majority of demons still present in the scar were lured into the forest surrounding the village.

In this village two men met and took it upon themselves to find out if the rumours of the Gem of Arcane Power are real and if so, do everything in their power to prevent the Horde getting hold of it.
An unexpected alliance between a Night Elf and a Human with both different ideals, united under one name; one house, to stop the Horde regaining immense power.

Where will their quest take them and what will they do when they actually find what they are looking for?

Find out by joining their adventure.
